AHA Logic was pleased to contribute to the Local Government Professionals Australia’s latest edition of Statewide. The article focuses on what local governments, as front line land managers, need to know about the latest developments in heritage regulation and the sorts of responses they can consider.

Securing good outcomes for planning and care of Aboriginal sites within local government area can start with some easy steps. The Department of Aboriginal Affairs holds thousands of public records that document Aboriginal sites in each local government area, which can be accessed relatively easily.

Developing an inventory of Aboriginal sites that exist in the local government boundary is a good starting point. As well as being a useful planning tool it is also a good mechanism to build constructive relationships with Aboriginal people in the local community and is a great way to create a host of other opportunities including economic development and reconciliation.

Statewide Article 3 page

For more information please contact Aaron or Kathryn at info@ahalogic.com.au